
Showing posts from March, 2015

me, now.

A lot of things have changed. I got married, moved to Europe, moved back to Singapore, got preggers, had a baby, career on hiatus. There. Let's just say the major thing I've been into these days, for the past two years revolves around a number-loving, alphabet-crunching two year old. Things had to be rescheduled because motherhood really takes an awful lot of time. Also, it makes you slow down. I am trying not to sound too whiny, but I don't want to sound smug either.  Oh hey, wait a minute. let me tell you about me now. 1. I love salads. I can think salad, look them up on pinterest, and just imagine how certain ingredients taste like, what dressing (although I am more of an olive oil, italian dressing kind of girl). I know, it's not really an exciting item-- I think this is what getting to my 30s made me. A salad loving hippie.  2. I can touch my toes with the grace and flexibility of someone who stretches everyday. 3. I just learned my first uku...