bad habits

so i haven't updated this blog for what-- 2 weeks?
i need more discipline.
quick, let me give you a short one for the moment, i promise (right...) to write more by the time my toddler is snoring happily (simply put, before midnight).

haze season came early in singapore. we usually get it by mid year, and this coupled with this dry spell sweeping the region, is simply a norm now. i don't hear that much grumbling anymore, it's a regular day. it may have something to do with the past few days and weeks, with all these natural and man-made disasters going on around the world. On a more personal level--why do I keep on hearing about friends' kids getting 'bumps' (and dog bites. yikes) that need to be stitched?

As of today the Malaysian Airlines flight is still missing, it is confirmed we are suffering El Nino, there's this building that collapsed in Park Ave New York due to fire.

My heart goes out to MH370 (especially now). Now there's news of the airline retiring this flight code in memory of the disaster. Is it just me or do I smell a marketing strategy?

Oh wait. I smell haze.


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