My birth story

So, finally after 2 and almost a half year I finally thought
"yeah, i think i can do this marathon".
I'm referring to my birth story, which I thought I don't really need to document,
and I've read a lot about from other people, and that I thought it's fine, I will spare everyone the details of how I laboured for almost a day, and that my son does not need to know how I suffered happily (neck deep in sarcasm here) to get him out.

Seriously, the only thought that comforted me that time was
"it will all be over soon. it will not last forever."


I am writing now because I am challenging myself to write about something concise.

And that because I want my son to read about this when he's old enough (because he can read now, and it will only be a matter of months before he can read a story by himself. oh boy, can he read.), and maybe come back to it when he needs to be reminded and assured.

That I am a sentimental shmuck, and I demand I get the sentimental treatment too, because thoughtfulness and loving feelings paired with tears make me happy.

That and frequent travel.

So anyway.

Laboured with love.

It was around 3-4 am, November 1. We were at home, my husband sleeping soundly (i have to include this adverb, sorry j) while I suddenly felt contractions. I assume they were contractions because I've never had them before and they felt like waves of tightening in my abdomen. They were frequent, probably every 20 mins at first. I knew I had to wake up J, just to inform him of this development. No, I actually woke him up to say that "as I want to make this less traumatic, and I want to have more babies in the future-- I'd like an epidural". How civilised. In reality it probably involved a hilarious plea from me.

J went back to sleep and I waited out calling the delivery suite hotline until around 6am. I was advised to come soon as it is my due date anyway. I took a bath, waited it out until 8am then made our way by foot to the main road (7 mins walk) to grab a cab. By this time the contractions are stronger and I am feeling sharp pains. The cab ride was short, less than 5 minutes I guess, and upon arriving at the emergency wing I was wheeled to the delivery ward. A series of tests followed, which details I can't recall now. My ob gyn Prof Biswas arrived in an hour or two. Before that one of the interns have been monitoring my contractions and informed me that what I am actually feeling are just small contractions. I wanted to bite his head off, his and anyone who dared tell me that the monitor is indicating slight activity but not high enough to be painful.

Every time this wave to sharp tightening comes I would hold J's hand and squeeze it so tight I think his blood circulation was healthiest that day. A test revealed that I've been leaking, and by how I remember it, I should be, since Friday. They gave me antibiotics for this and later on had to be induced because my cervix is not softening and my contractions have not progressed. Thinking about it now, I think they were worried about the leak, given that it has been days.  My ob gyn, upon seeing that I am already in pain with 'that' amount of contractions agreed I should take an epidural. No solids for me since morning and I had to beg for milo for hours because they had to clear it with my doctor first, and unfortunately he was somewhere else and yes--a woman in labour with milo cravings is not that high of a priority.

Now the rest of the day was a blur, I just remembered more tests and monitoring, that love-hate relationship with anyone who's got the gall to say that the pain I am experiencing is not supposed to hurt that much, and just pains. A LOT OF PAIN. Plus, I was hungry. I had to be induced a couple of times, and that cervix is not cooperating.

By mid afternoon they confirmed that I am cleared for epidural, but-- yes--but--- they can only administer it once I am xxcm dilated. But of course.

Early night time we got news that I will be transferred to the delivery room in 2 hours or so, as I am almost getting to that dilated figure for epidural. Oh wow. It's been more than 18hrs.

By the time we got to the room, I asked to be escorted to the toilet, and upon getting off the bed a warm liquid started gushing out from me. It was messy. So that I what breaking your water bag felt like.

Once again my cervix is not budging so I had to wait. I was already offered laughing gas, and from what I can recall it was J who got the kicks from watching me mindlessly maneuver this contraption, where sometimes I was just so high and uncoordinated and in pain I miss my mouth. He'd watch me put the tube on my forehead/ neck/ cheeks with much amusement. That mean man.

I think it was already 9 or 10 pm when the epidural was administered. Oh my god. Why didn't I even consider this earlier? I was finally able to sleep.

Alas, as all good things don't last by around 2am I was shivering. I asked for more blankets, and was informed that I am running a very high fever. Must be the epidural, or I am getting an infection. They checked my dilation and I am almost there. They phoned Prof Biswas who got there soon enough, too soon maybe that I remember him peeking in and saying "too early". I thought they will be settled in the morning, but after a few more back and forths they began prepping me for delivery. My baby has already pooped inside, he might be distressed.

What followed was a funny scene, as they asked me to practice my pushing, and had 3 or 4 nurses/midwives coaching me, while my ob gyn sat on a chair at the foot of my bed, reading the newspaper. He stood up, and was wearing rain boots. I remember him saying "come on, Rica, come on".  There is this first instance that they already saw the top of the head, and I probably breathed in so the little fella went back in. They all went "there...almost...oh". I pushed again, and really it was the shortest part of my birth story. At 4:44 am at NUH in Kent Ridge Singapore, my baby boy greeted this world with a quiet calm, at 3.17 gms and 46cm.

They had to ask him to cry, and he did. But he was not a 'cryer' like his mother, so he stopped right away. He was cool and collected like his father (a bit annoyed, I 'd say). They said he was running a slight fever so they had to run tests right away just to see if there's an infection. I was worried a bit, but after a short while the results came out and no infections. A healthy baby. I can't believe it at first (and we had to talk about it this way for a week J and I), we have a baby. I have just experienced a miracle.


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