
I had so much content yesterday I missed a daily post. Pft.

Anyway, I have been tinkering with the ukulele for years (years!) and sad to say I've never really gone to a passable level of playing. I can do the chords, my strumming is limited to 'I'm Yours' (i mean, who doesn't after years of not touching the thing? well, me).

But playing the ukulele for me is never just about the challenge (if you can even call my level of commitment a response to a challenge), it was about having fun. I like trying out new songs, never mind if my level of mastery is nil. I found chords of some of the Weeknd's songs, and Regina's, and I'm all set. I throw in some Mileys everynow and then, simply because-- well, I can. :)

Yesterday was caring less about what other people may think, I just thought well fork this-- some people express themselves by copying and lip syncing to someone in social media, and I love to showcase songs I like by singing them while playing the uke. Don't care if I'm not doing it well (the playing, not the singing--if my voice is so bad I won't even have a go), I'm just having fun.

So here's to loving what you do. Have a good weekend ahead.


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