
Sometimes I wonder if someone will ask me what I've been doing in 2020. And assume I lost my job, or I didn't do "much" because don't know-- I'm just scared of the fact people are going to hold me accountable for my low productivity in terms of career progression. I have to apply for studentship next year, and they might ask me why I didn't do anything related to my goal of getting hired for one this year. Harsh, but possible. It's as if it's a sign of desirability, to have been able to 'rise' through this unprecedented times by doubling productivity. You see, I did try. I tried looking for something to keep myself engaged, just so I don't lose that connection. I had a couple of almosts, but nothing really materialised. Past mid year now, and I will still try. 

I home schooled my kids this entire time. My son, who is P3 this coming September knows how to multiply using the fingers method. My daughter, incoming JK, can write her name and asks questions like "How do these babies get inside the tummy?" as a follow up to her older brother's query on perinatal development.

I learned more about the natural world through house plants, and how societal relations revolve around them these days. I learned that in some countries like the Philippines for example, tropical plants got expensive due to the pandemic and the hype brought about by social media. This is ironic, given that most house plants in North America are endemic in the tropics. 

I have deeper appreciation for plant-based proteins. If I were to get into gardening, I'd probably go for a food garden. It will be about vegetables we usually eat, and protein sources like soy beans and mushrooms. I found out that Canada supplies soy beans in third world countries and I would like to know more about it. What does Canada do with soy beans? 

I conducted an experiment on zinc. I read up on how an optimised amount of it can provide early intervention for children with stunted growth, and tried conducting one on child A. It seems to be effective. 

Yun lang naman ang pinag gagawa ko. Wala lang.


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