Inner rockstar

I have forever been a frustrated musician.
the human voice may be a musical instrument, fine, but I've always admired people who can play an instrument. and play really well.
my first 'real' foray into this, and by real i mean i got into it by my own derision, so the 'shared' organ and the 'wtf, i did not see that coming pa, but thank you' guitar both gifted to me by my parents does not count--  well, it was the flute.

my freshmen bff menchu. note the awkward -looking geek on the right.

i played in a band, gedemit. not that 'cool' band, more of a school band.
we played marches and a little bit of pocahontas if you get what i mean.
the flute was a dream come true, I felt like Hikaru Katsuragi, minus the pleasant face and coiffed hair.
i didn't have the money to buy one (thank god not everyone was good with it so i don't have to share it with so many others--i meant you, clarinet playahs), so I had to borrow the school's.
Unluckily, our band teacher swindled the school of all it's musical instruments by the 1st year so yes, that was how everything ended. Sigh.

Pink Faibu! Hikaru Katsuragi

So imagine the excitement intimidation I felt when my husband grants my longtime wish of having a ukulele. I have no training in guitar, my stubby fingers are still stubby and I just learned this afternoon that strums are either 'up' or 'down'. I've given up on 'Skip to my Loo', but found 'You are my Sunshine' easier. Yeah right.

I think I am getting somewhere with mastering three chords. haha. But hey.

But hey.

yeah, this can be relative


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