posts from the past

i have a couple of notes that i've saved but never published online.
following the trauma of a crashed laptop which resulted to more (maybe nicer but I can't be too sure, nor cocky) notes that could have been posted, I am posting these right away.
well, one every day. i've bought myself time to post updates, didn't I?

I called these notes my '10 minute luxury' (the first series where wittier pakingsyet, but moving forward...)


01 June 2013

dearest me,
yes me. this is a letter to myself, and is something i'd have to resort to, when things get too "daily", and regular. 

the adventurous, cool cat in me in one of my awesome days.

this is just to remind my 30 something self that i used to be so cool (no, not really), and adventurous, and so driven to see the world with my two tiny eyes. i lived in the netherlands and spain for a year. went around new york city for a month. travelled around spain for one week on a bus, and can greet you on your birthday in Dutch, thank you very much. i breath maps, local transport systems and monoprix (or LIDL if it suits you better). i live for the next adventure.

and i may be in a hiatus at the moment, taking it slow as i welcome a delightful new addition to our family's traveling circus, but i will be back. just you wait.


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