Raymond. that's probably not your name, but hey.

My son found a friend in our floor by the name of Raymond.
Okay, so I probably misheard that. Bloody language barrier.
This scooter riding little boy about 2 years ahead of A likes to wave every time he sees us.
He's a bit of a snoop too.

Raymond has a scooter and a bike, one of which he'll ride towards our end of the floor.
I swear A will be getting those too, when the right time comes so for now it's just a matter of amusement, seeing him get all excited with Raymond and his toys.

The husband and I have this running joke of A befriending our Block's pint-size bully, giving him the immunity of the neighborhood. haha.
Actually, he's done that already. I don't know, he finds odd-looking people cute.

This kid on our floor is far from looking like a bully, he is just too damn charming.
He visits A everyday, late afternoon. No kidding. Even if A acknowledges his presence (reads: tries to grab him, even chase him on the scooter) or not.

One day I decided to take his photo, while he's dangling his arms across our gate, playing with A. Raymond saw what I was doing, and said something in his language that sounded like this "Why are you taking my photo? No."
Then he goes away.

I am so uncool of a mother.


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