travel mama

i finally found something i would write about in this series!
i know its not the sexiest thing ever, writing about nursing rooms and baby-friendliness (although a friend of mine just made 'clean, hygienic, discrete and comfortable' sound like a place to get ehem).
i failed at sexy many years back anyway.

motherhood is something new to me, so i guess it would be an interesting study.
Here's a few things on top of my head:

1. plane travel for babies
2. plane travel for older babies whose parents are on a tight budget
3. commuting with a baby in Manila, for those who do not live there.
4. an oasis called the nursing room.
5. Tokyo
6. Hakone
7. Bangkok
8. um-Aura sa SM Aura

For more than one week!
Harabas* lang.

tagalog word of the day (thank you, SBP!) :

*Harabas: pronounced hah-rah-bahs.
Verb: root.
1. to wear out. Inf.: maharabas. Conj.: naharabas, wore out; nahaharabas, is wearing out; mahaharabas, will wear out.
2. to strike with something. Inf.: harabasin. Conj.: hinarabas, struck; hinaharabas, is striking; haharabasin, will wear out.
Variant: haribas.


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